Title: White Day Date (very unique, I know D: *shot) Characters: Saeki Kojirou x Kisarazu Ryou Artist: moehoshi Disclaimer: I do not own POT. (_ ̄■ ̄_) Notes: For lyuna -chan. (ノ=´∀`=)ノ♥ Work in Progress. Warnings: Procrastination.
It's been a while since a read a good KiriAn fic and thank god someone posted one at FFnet. ;o;
How to Land On Your Feet by Anna Nigma An sees the world in Technicolor, painted in shades of love and happiness and friendship. Akaya sees the world in shades of An.
Title: Open Your Eyes Fandom: Prince of Tennis Pairing: Kiri*An (Kirihara Akaya x Tachibana An) Producer/s: Moe*nism ( moehoshi & rikkaian ) Song: Open Your Eyes by SoundTeMP Disclaimer: *points Konomi-sensei* He owns everything POT related. >3>